Being religious and observant means that you have certain values, that you respect certain rules in your daily life, and it's perfectly normal to look for a partner who shares this same vision of life. That's why at Yousoon we've chosen to give you this opportunity, thanks to our religion-based dating function.
Religion, an important part of the French lifestyle
Numerous surveys have been carried out in France on the place of religion in people's daily lives, and the results are clear: one in two French people say that their religion is important to them and occupies an important place in their daily lives. A result that explains why more and more French people want to meet people based on their religion. In fact, more and more sites are specializing in this function. However, dating by religion shouldn't be based solely on this criterion, as it's important to have more in common with your partner than their religion.
That's why, at Yousoon, we suggest that you meet someone based on your affinities and values, whether in terms of religion, hobbies, life projects, etc. How does it work? It's very simple: by filling in your profile on our application, you can indicate your religion, your profession, but also select your hobbies and describe yourself in a few words. You can then select filters to guide your search. Thanks to all this information, our high-performance algorithms will be able to suggest profiles of men or women who are compatible with you, whether in terms of religion, interests or outlook on life. More than just meeting people by religion, you'll be able to meet people by affinity on our app.

Why is religion so important to a couple?
To form a lasting and harmonious couple, you don't necessarily have to agree on everything and have exactly the same interests, but it's important to share a common vision on the major issues of life: married life, marriage, children, fidelity, etc. When we practice a religion, our views on these major issues of adult life are generally oriented by this religion, which we see as a real guide to life. When we practice a religion, our views on these major issues of adult life are generally oriented by that religion, which we consider to be a true guide to life. When you meet someone based on your religion, you're more likely to share the same vision of life as yourself, and the same long-term objectives: getting married, starting a family, etc.
Likewise, religion will influence your lifestyle, adding to your daily routine moments of prayer, religious holidays and contemplation that you'll be happy to share with a partner who understands their value and importance. Last but not least, dating by religion is a very popular feature for people who have been steeped in religion since their earliest childhood, and who therefore live in a family where this aspect means a great deal. Indeed, even if mixed-religion couples are becoming more and more common, meeting someone with whom to share one's faith can avoid many family conflicts and reassure loved ones by introducing them to someone who shares the same values as they do.