A woman attracted to a man: what gestures does she adopt?
It's not always easy to decipher the gestures ofa woman attracted to a man. However, her behavior during a date may indicate that she's been seduced and would like to take things further! Here are the keys to help you quickly understand if a woman is really under your spell.
Appearance: a key indicator
Before looking in detail at the various gestures of a woman attracted to a man, let's start by talking about her appearance. A woman who has been invited by a man for a drink, dinner, movie or theater date, will always take care of her appearance. She'll want to look her best to show off all her assets and, of course, seduce you. To do this, she'll choose her best outfit, style her hair carefully, wear jewelry and perfume herself.
Taking note of all these details? She's spent time getting ready for the date, and that's a good sign.
A woman attracted to a man supports his gaze
One of the most obvious gestures a woman can make when attracted to a man is to hold your gaze. During a conversation, she'll tend to keep her eyes on you. This shows not only that she's interested in what you're saying, but also that she's enjoying looking at you.
Conversely, a woman who is looking away or at her cell phone is likely to want the date to end quickly.
She touches her hair
A woman's attitude towards her hair is another good indicator that she's been seduced. When her hair is loose, she'll often run her hand through it to replace it. Not only is this a sign that she wants to keep her hair looking good, it's also a sign that she's troubled.
It can also show a little nervousness. Normal, who isn't nervous when you're attracted to someone but don't yet know if it's mutual?
It takes part in the mirroring process
Have you ever heard of the mirror effect? It's simply the act of imitating the gestures of the person opposite you during an exchange. It could be a burst of laughter or a change of position on the chair.
When a woman consciously or unconsciously imitates a man, it's another good indicator that she's attracted. This is the result of a study carried out on animals! And it applies to human beings too.
She blushes
One of the indicators that a woman is attracted to a man is blushing. When she's seduced - and these are uncontrollable physiological reactions - she'll tend to blush around her face or the top of her ears. This shows that she's disturbed by your presence.
This is even more obvious with shy people.
She doesn't put physical distance between you and her
A woman who doesn't want any physical contact, and therefore wants to make it clear that she doesn't want to go any further, will prefer to keep a certain distance between a man and herself.
On the contrary, when she's attracted, she'll want to get as close to you as possible. The gestures of a woman who is attracted to a man and wants to get physically close to him include hands on the table, with the desire to graze yours. It could also be feet moving towards your feet.
She may also say that she wants to move to a different place for some reason, so that she can be as close to you as possible.