Complimenting a woman is one of the best ways of letting her know that you're interested in her and that you're attracted to her. You don't necessarily have to shower her with compliments every second, but well-chosen words can have the same effect as a nice gift. Here's a sample of compliments you can give a woman to please her.
Complimenting a woman on her beauty, focusing on a detail that appeals to you
Commenting on a woman's appearance, even to compliment her, can quickly have the opposite effect. She will flee rather than be touched. It's far too general and easy to tell her she's beautiful. Not to mention the fact that she may think you're only interested in her for her looks.
Like everyone else, a woman can still appreciate being complimented on her looks, but you have to be careful to target a detail and say it at the right moment. Are you talking about vision problems or glasses? Take the opportunity to tell her that you think the colour of her eyes is pretty. Talking about playing the piano or another instrument? Tell her you've noticed she has elegant, musician's hands. Always remember to put the compliment into context and make sure it doesn't come out of nowhere. Especially on first dates.
And if you're not comfortable talking about a physical detail, you can also mention her style of dress. Complimenting a woman on her taste for beautiful materials, shoes or certain colours will make her fall in love with you.
Complimenting a woman on her personality
Compliments about a woman's personality are an excellent way of maximising your chances of seducing her, always making sure you put them into context. While you're in the middle of a discussion about your daily lives, don't hesitate to make a remark about a feature of her character that you particularly appreciate.
It could be his sense of humour, his good humour, the finesse of his analyses or his dynamism in carrying out his projects.
Of course, this type of compliment to a woman cannot be given on the first date. You have to wait a while to get to know someone's personality. But after the 3rd or 4th date, you can easily allow yourself to tell her that you have noticed something about her personality that moves you and that you appreciate.
And why not be original when complimenting a woman?
It's the fear of every man trying to seduce a woman... Paying compliments that are too "standard" and cruelly lacking in charm. The most common: "You're beautiful".
On the other hand, you can be original and compliment a woman with references to music, film or literature. There are countless song lyrics, poem extracts and film lines that can be used to say sweet nothings to the person who makes your heart beat.
The advantage is that you can be as romantic, by thinking of poems, as you can be humorous, by referring to a well-known film for example! Use your memory.
Here you have a few examples of what you can use to compliment a woman you're attracted to. By being careful not to come across as a smooth talker, you should maximise your chances of seducing her.