They like to go all out. "They? Athletes, of course! To meet one without tiring yourself out, you can count on the Yousoon app. For a while, they disappeared from circulation. During confinement, they were no longer to be seen on the tennis courts, doing squats through a gym window, or scrambling up mountains to bravely scale the summits. But here's the thing. Sports facilities are gradually reopening. Sports enthusiasts are back in the game. They go back to lifting weights or running on treadmills in gyms. But paradoxically, the ability of sportsmen and women to move mountains and maintain a strict lifestyle means they have even less time to devote to finding their soulmate. The work they may have on the side makes their schedules sometimes overloaded. But should we despair of finding a sportsman or woman? No, because this sought-after profile, often distinguished by its muscularity, is not necessarily lonely. According to an American study, playing sport increases oxytocin, a substance also known as the "love hormone". Those accustomed to exercise have a greater propensity to adapt and a greater willingness to socialize. As a result, many sports enthusiasts like to visit dating sites. They generally appreciate this fast and often effective way of getting in touch. They can chat with people who like their ability to excel. They can then meet a sportsman or woman like themselves, or simply someone who is not at all sporty, but who shares and values the values associated with sport.
Faster, higher, stronger
Would you like to meet a sporty person? Discover Yousoon. The application lets you meet people according to their interests. The dating site then facilitates your matchmaking. How do you get connected easily? Go to Yousoon. Fill in your registration form diligently, mentioning what you like and what you're looking for. Be as clear and precise as possible! All this information will enable Yousoon to match you with the right sports user profile. There are two possible scenarios. Either you're not sporty and you're looking for one, in which case you know what to expect. Or you are sporty, in which case you may share a common interest in sport, or at least a relatively similar, concrete way of looking at its values. You can also mention the type of figure and social category you're looking for. Once again, Yousoon puts you in touch with the athlete you're looking for. Don't worry about chatting with users hiding under false identities when you're on the site. All profiles are verified. Yousoon also guarantees data confidentiality. There's no risk of your information falling into the hands of a malicious person.

Geolocation for a sweat-free sporting event
After exchanges that confirm your enthusiasm for a profile, you'd like to go one step further and meet your favorite athlete? Thanks to a geolocation option, Yousoon makes it easy for you to get over the hurdle. The site offers you a meeting place halfway between the two of you. You don't have to worry about finding the perfect place for your first date. And that's not all. Yousoon also presents you with a list of attractive venues for a meeting that's sure to be intense and passionate! Restaurant, concert hall, exhibition... You can also choose to visit the surrounding area. Why not take a stroll or go jogging in the area, for those who love endurance? Worried about being discovered when you visit a dating app? People close to you may spot you when you're browsing. To avoid this, you can exclude certain locations from your geolocation. So you don't have to worry about being seen by friends or colleagues at your gym. Yousoon wants everyone to have their own little secret garden! So, are you ready for a sporting encounter? It's the perfect way to connect with someone who loves performance and physical effort. If you're ready to take the plunge, check out Yousoon!